
November 12, 2013

One Woman's First-Hand Experience with Fertility Preservation, Freezing her Eggs

Fertility Preservation and Freezing Eggs
One of the largest stressors in a woman’s life is the idea of a “ticking biological clock” or the potential for diminishing fertility. While we may be well educated about the best ways prevent pregnancy, how much do we know about options for preserving our fertility potential for the future?

As women have broken through the glass ceiling and become more career-oriented, it’s time to talk about how they can achieve both career and family goals. By preserving fertility at the most optimal time in a woman’s life, women will be able to achieve motherhood at a time when they feel ready.

With new, cutting edge technology, achieving career and family goals is possible! The ability to freeze young, healthy eggs for use later in life now gives women the opportunity to take control of their future.

Patient Testimonial
At age 27, Whitney was at a point in her life when she came face to face with the reality of how she could achieve having a successful career while still maintaining the possibility of having a family of her own in the future.  Whitney’s first step on her fertility preservation journey was to meet with Dr. Brian Kaplan at the Fertility Centers of Illinois in order to gather as much information as possible. After she was informed that fertility peaks in her 20s and begins to rapidly decline at the age of 30, Whitney decided freezing her eggs was the best option for her in order to ensure her future potential for motherhood.

“People kept saying to me, ‘You’re so young, why would you do this?’” Whitney said. “I knew that even if I wasn’t ready to have children at the age of 27, my body was, and I wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to freeze my eggs when they were at their most optimal quality.”

After meeting and discussing her options, Whitney felt “very comfortable” with the “highly regarded and experienced” doctor and staff.  Whitney felt extremely well prepared for the time commitment and possible physical side effects of the treatment.

“Looking back, the two weeks of frequent office visits and hormone injections with minimal side effects was a small price to pay when I knew I had created an insurance policy for my fertility and my future.”  

Side effects of the treatment included mild bloating and cramping, but Whitney says, “All those physical discomforts were resolved within a few days of the egg retrieval.”

“Deciding to freeze my eggs has truly taken a load off of my shoulders. I feel less pressure when dating and I can actually relax and have fun!” Whitney says. “I’ve definitely become an advocate for fertility preservation.  Whether it’s due to a woman’s career goals or the fact that she hasn’t met Mr. Right, I recommend this to anyone who is worried about not being able to have a family of their own. I’ve heard so many women say that they wish they would have been educated about their options. This is my opportunity to give women the information they need.”

Why Freeze with FCI?
The most influential reasoning behind freezing eggs in order to preserve fertility is egg quality rapidly diminishes as women age.  Eggs in their 20s are much healthier than those in their 30s or 40s, which is often the time women find themselves ready to have children.

The Fertility Centers of Illinois uses a process called “vitrification,” to freeze eggs.  This process involves rapid freezing of the eggs and prevents the formation of ice crystals within the cell that could lead to damaging effects.

Contact Us to Find Out More!
If you’ve ever worried about how your age and fertility are connected, this is the time to learn more about Fertility Preservation and EggFreezing. The experienced physicians and staff at the Fertility Centers of Illinois are ready to answer your questions and help explain the process.

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