
December 17, 2013

Past FCI Patient Guest Blog: Rachael Kobleske & Family

Former patient, Rachael Kobleske, wrote in her own words about her journey to motherhood with Fertility Centers of Illinois. She wanted to share her experiences so that they could help anyone who might be going through the same struggles, pain and worry. Read on to experience her journey through her eyes.

FCI Gave Me Hope - by Rachael Kobleske

Jon, Rachael, Sophia (left) & Chloe (right)
Seven years ago my husband and I decided we wanted to have children. Me being the naive person I was back then just thought that we would actually "try" to get pregnant now, instead of preventing it, and things would work out right away. After all, my mother told me over and over that unprotected sex leads to unexpected pregnancy! I had NO clue what sort of journey I was in for.

After a year of trying to conceive without success and then a miscarriage I started to worry that I would never get pregnant and kept wondering "What is wrong with me???".
I worked with my OB/GYN for a few years going through Chlomid cycles and timed cycles and charting and ovulation tests with absolutely no success. Finally, I had just had it with no one being able to tell me what the problem was and what I could do to make it better.

I spoke to a friend who had gone through IVF (successfully!) and he suggested I check out FCI after I explained that the fertility clinic I was recommended to would not see us for 6 months... 6 months!! It might as well have been forever or at least that is how I felt at the time. I live outside of Illinois so I found the closest FCI location to where I live and made the call that changed my life forever. My husband and I met with Dr. Nani at the Lindenhurst location for our initial consultation within two weeks of making the call. This was the first time in several years that I felt hopeful, relaxed and that I had some control over my life again.

Dr. Nani and Susan, the Lindenhurst Nurse, wasted no time in getting the process started in determining our infertility issues and helping us come up with a game plan to get our family started. From the time of the first consultation to the time I found out I was pregnant was about 5 months. Both of these women were very informative on what tests were being done, why they were being done, what the outcomes mean and what expectations I should have. They listened to my concerns and provided me with the information and the support to keep moving forward in my infertility journey.

Anytime I had questions, issues or concerns I was able to directly email or contact Susan and she promptly provided answers and information. This was a big deal for me, I felt like I was a valued human being and not just another "patient" with issues like I had felt up to the point of going to FCI. Going through IVF is scary enough, in my opinion, so knowing you have someone you can talk to and get answers from without an appointment was just so wonderful.

The only thing I wish were different with this journey was to have a location closer to my house!  I went through a lot of audiobooks on my drives for monitoring during my IUI and IVF cycles but all the driving and medications and ultra sounds and needle pokes were worth it! We now have fraternal twin girls and they are the light and joy in my life. I look back at all we went through and know that it was all worth it. I am so glad I made that call to FCI....

If you or anyone you know would like to share your Fertility Centers of Illinois journey on our blog, please email to get started.

1 comment:

  1. The story of Rachael's journey to the motherhood is quite fascinating. It will be helpful to the mothers who are facing the same situation. Thanks for sharing your story Rachael.
    In Vitro Maturation
