
April 14, 2015

National Infertility Awareness Week 2015 Events

Join our physicians, staff, patients, partners, friends, and family as we bring awareness about infertility during National Infertility Awareness Week.  Together we will educate others about the fertility journey and the challenges it brings.  

Although each journey is different,  its impact is equally compelling and presents its own challenges. Through media events, patient education, and community involvement, we will empower you.  Together we will share the knowledge and tools needed to make informed decisions about your future family building options. You are not alone on this journey to parenthood; let us help! 

4/14 Shared Stories: A panel of women share their stories of infertility and find hope | Shine Fertility, Chicago | 6:30 PM | LEARN MORE

4/19 Dr. Angeline Beltsos will discuss infertility myths and misconceptions | WGN - Living Healthy Chicago | 11:30 AM | LEARN MORE

4/20 Cupcakes, Coffee, & Conversation | Fertility for Colored Girls and FCI, Chicago | 6:30 PM | LEARN MORE

4/20 Egg Donation: Your Journey Starts Here | Online Webinar | 12 PM | LEARN MORE

4/21 Dr. Edward Marut discusses misconceptions about infertility | FOX Good Day Chicago | 6:45 AM | LEARN MORE

4/21 Fertility Awareness & The Importance of Knowing Your Fertility Status | Fertility for Colored Girls, Online Webinar | 7 PM | LEARN MORE

4/21 Dr. Angeline Beltsos will discuss what infertility patients wish others knew about infertility | WGN - Midday Show | Midday Show | LEARN MORE

4/21 Special NIAW discount for the Kevin J Lederer Life Foundation's "Run for Life" | Early Bird Registration | LEARN MORE

4/23 Have you had your Fertility Awareness Check Up? | Online Webinar | 7 PM | LEARN MORE

4/24 You Can Freeze Your Biological Clock!  Learn about the Latest Advances in Fertility Preservation | Online Webinar | 7 PM | LEARN MORE

4/25 Support RESOLVE's efforts to change laws regarding fertility treatments LEARN MORE

4/25 Join a community organization that supports your fertility journey! | LEARN MORE

4/26 How To Speak So Your Partner Will Listen & How To Listen So Your Partner Will Speak | Glenview | 2 PM | LEARN MORE

4/27 Egg Donation as Your Path to Parenthood | Chicago | 7 PM | LEARN MORE

All FCI Patient Education Programs are open to the community. We continue to support your fertility journey by offering a selection of  complimentary patient education seminars, holistic healing seminars, and support groups. If you have any questions or comments please contact us at (877) 324-4483.

1 comment:

  1. It is good to read other's infertility journeys. I have read these posted stories about infertility and I felt relaxed. It is really helpful for me to overcome from the stress.

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